/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ /* global WeakMap */ define([ 'ko', 'underscore', 'mage/utils/wrapper', 'uiEvents' ], function (ko, _, wrapper, Events) { 'use strict'; var nodesMap = new WeakMap(); /** * Returns a array of nodes associated with a specified model. * * @param {Object} model * @returns {Undefined|Array} */ function getBounded(model) { return nodesMap.get(model); } /** * Removes specified node to models' associations list, if it's * a root node (node is not a descendant of any previously added nodes). * Triggers 'addNode' event. * * @param {Object} model * @param {HTMLElement} node */ function addBounded(model, node) { var nodes = getBounded(model), isRoot; if (!nodes) { nodesMap.set(model, [node]); Events.trigger.call(model, 'addNode', node); return; } isRoot = nodes.every(function (bounded) { return !bounded.contains(node); }); if (isRoot) { nodes.push(node); Events.trigger.call(model, 'addNode', node); } } /** * Removes specified node from models' associations list. * Triggers 'removeNode' event. * * @param {Object} model * @param {HTMLElement} node */ function removeBounded(model, node) { var nodes = getBounded(model), index; if (!nodes) { return; } index = nodes.indexOf(node); if (~index) { nodes.splice(index, 0); Events.trigger.call(model, 'removeNode', node); } if (!nodes.length) { nodesMap.delete(model); } } /** * Returns node's first sibling of 'element' type within the common component scope * * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {*} data * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function getElement(node, data) { var elem; while (node.nextElementSibling) { node = node.nextElementSibling; if (node.nodeType === 1 && ko.dataFor(node) === data) { elem = node; break; } } return elem; } wrapper.extend(ko, { /** * Extends knockouts' 'applyBindings' * to track nodes associated with model. * * @param {Function} orig - Original 'applyBindings' method. * @param {Object} ctx * @param {HTMLElement} node - Original 'applyBindings' method. */ applyBindings: function (orig, ctx, node) { var result = orig(), data = ctx && (ctx.$data || ctx); if (node && node.nodeType === 8) { node = getElement(node, data); } if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1) { return result; } if (data && data.registerNodes) { addBounded(data, node); } return result; }, /** * Extends knockouts' cleanNode * to track nodes associated with model. * * @param {Function} orig - Original 'cleanNode' method. * @param {HTMLElement} node - Original 'cleanNode' method. */ cleanNode: function (orig, node) { var result = orig(), data; if (node.nodeType !== 1) { return result; } data = ko.dataFor(node); if (data && data.registerNodes) { removeBounded(data, node); } return result; } }); return { /** * Returns root nodes associated with a model. If callback is provided, * will iterate through all of the present nodes triggering callback * for each of it. Also it will subscribe to the 'addNode' event. * * @param {Object} model * @param {Function} [callback] * @returns {Array|Undefined} */ get: function (model, callback) { var nodes = getBounded(model) || []; if (!_.isFunction(callback)) { return nodes; } nodes.forEach(function (node) { callback(node); }); this.add.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Subscribes to adding of nodes associated with a model. * * @param {Object} model */ add: function (model) { var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1); args.unshift('addNode'); Events.on.apply(model, args); }, /** * Subscribes to removal of nodes associated with a model. * * @param {Object} model */ remove: function (model) { var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1); args.unshift('removeNode'); Events.on.apply(model, args); }, /** * Removes subscriptions from the model. * * @param {Object} model */ off: function (model) { var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1); Events.off.apply(model, args); } }; });