/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ /** Creates datepicker binding and registers in to ko.bindingHandlers object */ define([ 'ko', 'underscore', 'jquery', 'mage/translate' ], function (ko, _, $, $t) { 'use strict'; var defaults = { dateFormat: 'mm\/dd\/yyyy', showsTime: false, timeFormat: null, buttonImage: null, buttonImageOnly: null, buttonText: $t('Select Date') }; ko.bindingHandlers.datepicker = { /** * Initializes calendar widget on element and stores it's value to observable property. * Datepicker binding takes either observable property or object * { storage: {ko.observable}, options: {Object} }. * For more info about options take a look at "mage/calendar" and jquery.ui.datepicker widget. * @param {HTMLElement} el - Element, that binding is applied to * @param {Function} valueAccessor - Function that returns value, passed to binding */ init: function (el, valueAccessor) { var config = valueAccessor(), observable, options = {}; _.extend(options, defaults); if (typeof config === 'object') { observable = config.storage; _.extend(options, config.options); } else { observable = config; } require(['mage/calendar'], function () { $(el).calendar(options); ko.utils.registerEventHandler(el, 'change', function () { observable(this.value); }); }); }, /** * Update calendar widget on element and stores it's value to observable property. * Datepicker binding takes either observable property or object * { storage: {ko.observable}, options: {Object} }. * @param {HTMLElement} element - Element, that binding is applied to * @param {Function} valueAccessor - Function that returns value, passed to binding */ update: function (element, valueAccessor) { var config = valueAccessor(), $element = $(element), observable, options = {}, newVal; _.extend(options, defaults); if (typeof config === 'object') { observable = config.storage; _.extend(options, config.options); } else { observable = config; } require(['moment', 'mage/utils/misc', 'mage/calendar'], function (moment, utils) { if (_.isEmpty(observable())) { newVal = null; } else { newVal = moment( observable(), utils.convertToMomentFormat( options.dateFormat + (options.showsTime ? ' ' + options.timeFormat : '') ) ).toDate(); } $element.datepicker('setDate', newVal); $element.blur(); }); } }; });