/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ define([ 'jquery', 'mage/apply/main' ], function ($, mage) { 'use strict'; /** * Main namespace for Magento extensions * @type {Object} */ $.mage = $.mage || {}; /** * Plugin mage, initialize components on elements * @param {String} name - Components' path. * @param {Object} config - Components' config. * @returns {JQuery} Chainable. */ $.fn.mage = function (name, config) { config = config || {}; this.each(function (index, el) { mage.applyFor(el, config, name); }); return this; }; $.extend($.mage, { /** * Handle all components declared via data attribute * @return {Object} $.mage */ init: function () { mage.apply(); return this; }, /** * Method handling redirects and page refresh * @param {String} url - redirect URL * @param {(undefined|String)} type - 'assign', 'reload', 'replace' * @param {(undefined|Number)} timeout - timeout in milliseconds before processing the redirect or reload * @param {(undefined|Boolean)} forced - true|false used for 'reload' only */ redirect: function (url, type, timeout, forced) { var _redirect; forced = !!forced; timeout = timeout || 0; type = type || 'assign'; /** * @private */ _redirect = function () { window.location[type](type === 'reload' ? forced : url); }; timeout ? setTimeout(_redirect, timeout) : _redirect(); }, /** * Checks if provided string is a valid selector. * @param {String} selector - Selector to check. * @returns {Boolean} */ isValidSelector: function (selector) { try { document.querySelector(selector); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } }); /** * Init components inside of dynamically updated elements */ $('body').on('contentUpdated', function () { if (mage) { mage.apply(); } }); return $.mage; });