/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ /** * @api */ define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'mage/template', 'text!ui/template/modal/modal-popup.html', 'text!ui/template/modal/modal-slide.html', 'text!ui/template/modal/modal-custom.html', 'Magento_Ui/js/lib/key-codes', 'jquery-ui-modules/widget', 'jquery-ui-modules/core', 'mage/translate' ], function ($, _, template, popupTpl, slideTpl, customTpl, keyCodes) { 'use strict'; /** * Detect browser transition end event. * @return {String|undefined} - transition event. */ var transitionEvent = (function () { var transition, elementStyle = document.createElement('div').style, transitions = { 'transition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd' }; for (transition in transitions) { if (elementStyle[transition] !== undefined && transitions.hasOwnProperty(transition)) { return transitions[transition]; } } })(); /** * Modal Window Widget */ $.widget('mage.modal', { options: { id: null, type: 'popup', title: '', subTitle: '', modalClass: '', focus: '[data-role="closeBtn"]', autoOpen: false, clickableOverlay: true, popupTpl: popupTpl, slideTpl: slideTpl, customTpl: customTpl, modalVisibleClass: '_show', parentModalClass: '_has-modal', innerScrollClass: '_inner-scroll', responsive: false, innerScroll: false, modalTitle: '[data-role="title"]', modalSubTitle: '[data-role="subTitle"]', modalBlock: '[data-role="modal"]', modalCloseBtn: '[data-role="closeBtn"]', modalContent: '[data-role="content"]', modalAction: '[data-role="action"]', focusableScope: '[data-role="focusable-scope"]', focusableStart: '[data-role="focusable-start"]', focusableEnd: '[data-role="focusable-end"]', appendTo: 'body', wrapperClass: 'modals-wrapper', overlayClass: 'modals-overlay', responsiveClass: 'modal-slide', trigger: '', modalLeftMargin: 45, closeText: $.mage.__('Close'), buttons: [{ text: $.mage.__('Ok'), class: '', attr: {}, /** * Default action on button click */ click: function (event) { this.closeModal(event); } }], keyEventHandlers: { /** * Tab key press handler, * set focus to elements */ tabKey: function () { if (document.activeElement === this.modal[0]) { this._setFocus('start'); } }, /** * Escape key press handler, * close modal window * @param {Object} event - event */ escapeKey: function (event) { if (this.options.isOpen && this.modal.find(document.activeElement).length || this.options.isOpen && this.modal[0] === document.activeElement) { this.closeModal(event); } } } }, /** * Creates modal widget. */ _create: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'keyEventSwitcher', '_tabSwitcher', 'closeModal' ); this.options.id = this.uuid; this.options.transitionEvent = transitionEvent; this._createWrapper(); this._renderModal(); this._createButtons(); if (this.options.trigger) { $(document).on('click', this.options.trigger, _.bind(this.toggleModal, this)); } this._on(this.modal.find(this.options.modalCloseBtn), { 'click': this.options.modalCloseBtnHandler ? this.options.modalCloseBtnHandler : this.closeModal }); this._on(this.element, { 'openModal': this.openModal, 'closeModal': this.closeModal }); this.options.autoOpen ? this.openModal() : false; }, /** * Returns element from modal node. * @return {Object} - element. */ _getElem: function (elem) { return this.modal.find(elem); }, /** * Gets visible modal count. * * @return {Number} - visible modal count. */ _getVisibleCount: function () { var modals = this.modalWrapper.find(this.options.modalBlock); return modals.filter('.' + this.options.modalVisibleClass).length; }, /** * Gets count of visible modal by slide type. * * @return {Number} - visible modal count. */ _getVisibleSlideCount: function () { var elems = this.modalWrapper.find('[data-type="slide"]'); return elems.filter('.' + this.options.modalVisibleClass).length; }, /** * Listener key events. * Call handler function if it exists */ keyEventSwitcher: function (event) { var key = keyCodes[event.keyCode]; if (this.options.keyEventHandlers.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.options.keyEventHandlers[key].apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * Set title for modal. * * @param {String} title */ setTitle: function (title) { var $title = this.modal.find(this.options.modalTitle), $subTitle = this.modal.find(this.options.modalSubTitle); $title.text(title); $title.append($subTitle); }, /** * Set sub title for modal. * * @param {String} subTitle */ setSubTitle: function (subTitle) { this.options.subTitle = subTitle; this.modal.find(this.options.modalSubTitle).html(subTitle); }, /** * Toggle modal. * * @return {Element} - current element. */ toggleModal: function () { if (this.options.isOpen === true) { this.closeModal(); } else { this.openModal(); } }, /** * Open modal. * * @return {Element} - current element. */ openModal: function () { this.options.isOpen = true; this.focussedElement = document.activeElement; this._createOverlay(); this._setActive(); this._setKeyListener(); this.modal.one(this.options.transitionEvent, _.bind(this._setFocus, this, 'end', 'opened')); this.modal.one(this.options.transitionEvent, _.bind(this._trigger, this, 'opened')); this.modal.addClass(this.options.modalVisibleClass); if (!this.options.transitionEvent) { this._trigger('opened'); } return this.element; }, /** * Set focus to element. * @param {String} position - can be "start" and "end" * positions. * If position is "end" - sets focus to first * focusable element in modal window scope. * If position is "start" - sets focus to last * focusable element in modal window scope * * @param {String} type - can be "opened" or false * If type is "opened" - looks to "this.options.focus" * property and sets focus */ _setFocus: function (position, type) { var focusableElements, infelicity; if (type === 'opened' && this.options.focus) { this.modal.find($(this.options.focus)).focus(); } else if (type === 'opened' && !this.options.focus) { this.modal.find(this.options.focusableScope).focus(); } else if (position === 'end') { this.modal.find(this.options.modalCloseBtn).focus(); } else if (position === 'start') { infelicity = 2; //Constant for find last focusable element focusableElements = this.modal.find(':focusable'); focusableElements.eq(focusableElements.length - infelicity).focus(); } }, /** * Set events listener when modal is opened. */ _setKeyListener: function () { this.modal.find(this.options.focusableStart).bind('focusin', this._tabSwitcher); this.modal.find(this.options.focusableEnd).bind('focusin', this._tabSwitcher); this.modal.bind('keydown', this.keyEventSwitcher); }, /** * Remove events listener when modal is closed. */ _removeKeyListener: function () { this.modal.find(this.options.focusableStart).unbind('focusin', this._tabSwitcher); this.modal.find(this.options.focusableEnd).unbind('focusin', this._tabSwitcher); this.modal.unbind('keydown', this.keyEventSwitcher); }, /** * Switcher for focus event. * @param {Object} e - event */ _tabSwitcher: function (e) { var target = $(e.target); if (target.is(this.options.focusableStart)) { this._setFocus('start'); } else if (target.is(this.options.focusableEnd)) { this._setFocus('end'); } }, /** * Close modal. * * @return {Element} - current element. */ closeModal: function () { var that = this; this._removeKeyListener(); this.options.isOpen = false; this.modal.one(this.options.transitionEvent, function () { that._close(); }); this.modal.removeClass(this.options.modalVisibleClass); if (!this.options.transitionEvent) { that._close(); } return this.element; }, /** * Helper for closeModal function. */ _close: function () { var trigger = _.bind(this._trigger, this, 'closed', this.modal); $(this.focussedElement).focus(); this._destroyOverlay(); this._unsetActive(); _.defer(trigger, this); }, /** * Set z-index and margin for modal and overlay. */ _setActive: function () { var zIndex = this.modal.zIndex(), baseIndex = zIndex + this._getVisibleCount(); if (this.modal.data('active')) { return; } this.modal.data('active', true); this.overlay.zIndex(++baseIndex); this.prevOverlayIndex = this.overlay.zIndex(); this.modal.zIndex(this.overlay.zIndex() + 1); if (this._getVisibleSlideCount()) { this.modal.css('marginLeft', this.options.modalLeftMargin * this._getVisibleSlideCount()); } }, /** * Unset styles for modal and set z-index for previous modal. */ _unsetActive: function () { this.modal.removeAttr('style'); this.modal.data('active', false); if (this.overlay) { this.overlay.zIndex(this.prevOverlayIndex - 1); } }, /** * Creates wrapper to hold all modals. */ _createWrapper: function () { this.modalWrapper = $(this.options.appendTo).find('.' + this.options.wrapperClass); if (!this.modalWrapper.length) { this.modalWrapper = $('
') .addClass(this.options.wrapperClass) .appendTo(this.options.appendTo); } }, /** * Compile template and append to wrapper. */ _renderModal: function () { $(template( this.options[this.options.type + 'Tpl'], { data: this.options })).appendTo(this.modalWrapper); this.modal = this.modalWrapper.find(this.options.modalBlock).last(); this.element.appendTo(this._getElem(this.options.modalContent)); if (this.element.is(':hidden')) { this.element.show(); } }, /** * Creates buttons pane. */ _createButtons: function () { this.buttons = this._getElem(this.options.modalAction); _.each(this.options.buttons, function (btn, key) { var button = this.buttons[key]; if (btn.attr) { $(button).attr(btn.attr); } if (btn.class) { $(button).addClass(btn.class); } if (!btn.click) { btn.click = this.closeModal; } $(button).on('click', _.bind(btn.click, this)); }, this); }, /** * Creates overlay, append it to wrapper, set previous click event on overlay. */ _createOverlay: function () { var events, outerClickHandler = this.options.outerClickHandler || this.closeModal; this.overlay = $('.' + this.options.overlayClass); if (!this.overlay.length) { $(this.options.appendTo).addClass(this.options.parentModalClass); this.overlay = $('
') .addClass(this.options.overlayClass) .appendTo(this.modalWrapper); } events = $._data(this.overlay.get(0), 'events'); events ? this.prevOverlayHandler = events.click[0].handler : false; this.options.clickableOverlay ? this.overlay.unbind().on('click', outerClickHandler) : false; }, /** * Destroy overlay. */ _destroyOverlay: function () { if (this._getVisibleCount()) { this.overlay.unbind().on('click', this.prevOverlayHandler); } else { $(this.options.appendTo).removeClass(this.options.parentModalClass); this.overlay.remove(); this.overlay = null; } } }); return $.mage.modal; });