/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ define([ 'ko', 'jquery', 'Magento_Ui/js/lib/view/utils/async', 'uiRegistry', 'underscore', '../template/renderer', 'jquery-ui-modules/resizable' ], function (ko, $, async, registry, _, renderer) { 'use strict'; var sizeOptions = [ 'minHeight', 'maxHeight', 'minWidth', 'maxWidth' ], handles = { height: '.ui-resizable-s, .ui-resizable-n', width: '.ui-resizable-w, .ui-resizable-e' }; /** * Recalcs visibility of handles, width and height of resizable based on content * @param {HTMLElement} element */ function adjustSize(element) { var maxHeight, maxWidth; element = $(element); maxHeight = element.resizable('option').maxHeight; maxWidth = element.resizable('option').maxWidth; if (maxHeight && element.height() > maxHeight) { element.height(maxHeight + 1); $(handles.height).hide(); } else { $(handles.height).show(); } if (maxWidth && element.width() > maxWidth) { element.width(maxWidth + 1); $(handles.width).hide(); } else { $(handles.width).show(); } } /** * Recalcs allowed min, max width and height based on configured selectors * @param {Object} sizeConstraints * @param {String} componentName * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Boolean} hasWidthUpdate */ function recalcAllowedSize(sizeConstraints, componentName, element, hasWidthUpdate) { var size; element = $(element); if (!element.data('resizable')) { return; } if (!hasWidthUpdate) { element.css('width', 'auto'); } _.each(sizeConstraints, function (selector, key) { async.async({ component: componentName, selector: selector }, function (elem) { size = key.indexOf('Height') !== -1 ? $(elem).outerHeight(true) : $(elem).outerWidth(true); if (element.data('resizable')) { element.resizable('option', key, size + 1); } }); }, this); adjustSize(element); } /** * Preprocess config to separate options, * which must be processed further before applying * * @param {Object} config * @param {Object} viewModel * @param {*} element * @return {Object} config */ function processConfig(config, viewModel, element) { var sizeConstraint, sizeConstraints = {}, recalc, hasWidthUpdate; if (_.isEmpty(config)) { return {}; } _.each(sizeOptions, function (key) { sizeConstraint = config[key]; if (sizeConstraint && !_.isNumber(sizeConstraint)) { sizeConstraints[key] = sizeConstraint; delete config[key]; } }); hasWidthUpdate = _.some(sizeConstraints, function (value, key) { return key.indexOf('Width') !== -1; }); recalc = recalcAllowedSize.bind(null, sizeConstraints, viewModel.name, element, hasWidthUpdate); config.start = recalc; $(window).on('resize.resizable', recalc); registry.get(viewModel.provider).on('reloaded', recalc); return config; } ko.bindingHandlers.resizable = { /** * Binding init callback. * * @param {*} element * @param {Function} valueAccessor * @param {Function} allBindings * @param {Object} viewModel */ init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel) { var config = processConfig(valueAccessor(), viewModel, element); $(element).resizable(config); } }; renderer.addAttribute('resizable'); });